Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Presenting Self

I am a conservative Republican saddled with a totally unacceptable potential party leader vying for his shot at the White House. Donald Trump is an offensive embarrassment in general, but also specifically for the Republican party with his off-color language and sexually explicit references, as well as his blatant racial slurs and ethnic portrayals.

When I hear Trump, I ask, "How low will you go this time?" He is the least presidential person on the ballot for either party.

If Donald Trump is the Republican party candidate for President, I will vote for Hillary Clinton, especially after hearing her foreign policy speech at Stanford University today. She presented herself as a candidate worthy of world-wide acceptance as the future leader of the United States -- with a presidential bearing that is sorely lacking in other candidates. She may have some ghosts in her political closets, but she still stands out as the leading candidate from any party in my mind.

If you want to become the President of the United States of America, show America now, today, in everything you say and do, that you are presidential material.