Monday, September 6, 2010

Economic Perspective

The economy must be improving, based on my limited experience with random sampling. For instance, both last week and again this morning, I found money thrown on the street. Last week, it was 2 quarters and a penny; this morning, it was 3 quarters and a penny. Thus, if people have money to throw into the street, they must be better off financially than the media leads us to believe.

The second experience involves the newly-turned 14-year-old next door who told me that she doesn't like carrying a backpack to school, so she's taking the bus to the mall today to purchase a book bag. Well, I replied, I have a white leather tote that might work for you. Would you like to take a look at it?

It's not her style, which is okay, but I also have a small "backpack" styled black leather purse that I don't use, so I asked her if she'd like to take a look at it, too. When she agreed, I pulled it out of my closet and she laughed. In her own words, "That is one ugly, cheap-ass purse! Why don't you put it out at the curb and see if anyone will pick it up?"

No, thanks. That "ugly, cheap-ass purse" cost me $60, so I'm not going to put it out at the curb, but it must be nice that they have money to burn and do put things they don't want/like out at the curb. I always donate to the homeless shelters and the missions that recycle the things I no longer can wear and/or use, but whatever works.

Her comments may have been a reaction to my telling her and her mother that I am not going to be able to take them to do errands more than once a week, and then only locally. I again stressed that I do all my errands while I'm on the road to and from my work, so have no need to be running here and there the rest of the week.

Now that we're even, let's call this game off. And, yes, I picked the money up and put it into my pocket. I don't have money to throw away, but even if I did, I'm far too conservative to think that there's going to be more growing on the tree in the backyard!

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