Friday, December 16, 2016


I really disliked being a Time Warner Cable customer for the past 15 years. The company charged far too much for far too few services, and customer service was not their forte. I complained annually about my always increasing service bill, which seemed to have a full column of "add-on" service charges over which I had no control. I'd see the ads for basic services at $29.99/mo, but I never was able to actually receive any services for anything close to that amount. My monthly bill, prior to Spectrum taking over, had settled in at $165.00, which is my highest utility bill -- including both water and electricity!

When I hit $165/month with only 1 working TV in the house and constant issues with poor service to the home, I decided that if TWC couldn't fix it, I was going to go cold turkey. It was nice when into this same timeframe, Spectrum arrived. The words "Time Warner is now Spectrum" gave me hope that I would be able to have some service issues dealt with and I could again enjoy watching TV.

Spectrum is great! I had a list of issues I wanted handled, including receiving TV on the small set in my bedroom, making the start/stop/freeze frame/pixilation issues go away on the livingroom set, learn how to use On Demand without having to pay even more money to the cable company -- and stop my bill from steadily climbing to higher and higher peaks.

Adam, my Spectrum service rep, showed up cleanly dressed and professional. He introduced himself and asked me why I had called for an in-home service call. I gave him my list and he said we'd start in the living room with replacing the DVR box, then move on to checking the service in general, from outside line to outlets in the house. Thus, Adam found the problem with the bedroom TV: in spite of the fact that there was cable in the bedroom, that cable wasn't activated with actual hook-up to the service for the house. Adam solved that problem and voila! I had cable on the bedroom TV. He also did all the replacement hookups for the livingroom, then checked the outside lines and determined that the cable from the pole to the house needs to be replaced too.

And all of this at no service charge and no upping my monthly payment. It's just part of the Spectrum service. Really.

He also showed me how to use the new cable box in the livingroom, including OnDemand, which is free. He also assured me that I could call Canada without paying an additional fee, so I am now able to communicate more freely with my son who lives there. I know how to delete a series I chose to record, but then didn't like once I watched it. And I feel free to contact Spectrum if I have other service questions without feeling like an idiot.

I'm rooting for Spectrum to take over and run Time Warner Cable out of business!! I'm so glad to be free from TWCable's monopoly of bad service.

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