Thursday, March 9, 2017

A Pain in My Side

I have a sharp pain in my lower left abdomen. Since it began after I had a colonoscopy, I asked the dr who did that procedure what it could be. He said a pulled abdominal muscle and sent me on my way. The pain increased in occurrence and intensity and led me to make an appointment with my primary care physician.

Of course, I never see the actual doctor, but the PA said it could be female issues and sent me for a CAT scan. That came back with a list of “nots,” but no idea what it is. Then the pain really got intense and sharp, like a hot knife being inserted into my left abdomen, twisted, and then removed. This time, I went to urgent care.

The staff doctor at urgent care told me it could be female issues, which I told him had been checked and ruled out, but a quick urine test revealed a UTI, which now became the ah-ha! that’s what it is moment. I got two prescriptions: one for the UTI and one for the pain. The symptoms lessened in frequency, but not intensity, and then ratcheted up upon completion of the prescriptions.

So, back to the primary care doctor for a what next? Well, said the PA, it could be hip pain, so let’s go have x-rays taken of your hips. Perhaps a bit more than somewhat skeptical, off I went to the imaging center. The results came back this week and I have acute issues with both of my hips, according to this study, and need a steroid shot and, perhaps, hip surgery in the near future.

I’m still skeptical that the acute hip issues are causing the abdominal pain, but at this point in time I’ve got one foot nailed to the floor and am going around in circles. I don’t seem to communicate that the pain is in my left abdomen and, according to a data search on the web, could easily be one of at least 10 different issues presented in a nice, tidy list. Now I’ll agree that this list does include female issues, which is one of the could-be’s we’ve already included in possibilities, but nowhere on the list is the left hip causing intense issues with the lower left abdomen.

I’m getting a steroid shot tomorrow and will hope that either confirms or rules out the left hip as I’m a bit worried, after reading the list of 10 issues that could cause intense pain in the lower left abdomen, that this could be “something” I really don’t want to have causing the pain.

UPDATING: I had the steroid shot and it didn't feel any different for that day; however, the next day I noticed that the pain was lessening in intensity, but still present. The next day, both the duration of the pain and the intensity came under control. Today? No pain! Guess the doctor who said the pain was caused by the acute arthritis in my left hip is correct.

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