Wednesday, November 28, 2018


Fifty years ago, I gave birth to my first child, a girl, on the Monday before Thanksgiving. She came out fully developed and about the size of a child of 2 months. I named her Michilinda as I loved the melodic sound of that name (Michael-linda is how we pronounce it) and it went perfectly with her last name. She was quite alert and tuned-in to her surroundings and I was so thankful for her birth as she had been due at Halloween and decided not to show until T-giving!

Thanksgiving morning, we brought our little baby home to meet her father's parents and brother, John, and enjoy her first holiday feast.  We passed her around from grandma to grandpa to Uncle, then to her daddy and finally to me for a diaper change and a nap.  Once she was settled into her crib, we all gave special thanks for her safe arrival and enjoyed our turkey dinner.

Once Mindy went to college at age 17, I didn't get to see her for T-giving as she was far away enjoying her college years, and then, after receiving her BA degree, she moved to PA and later down the road married her first husband.  I always missed my "little girl," but most especially on her birthday.  I tried as often as I could to be with her on her birthday, but as distance has a way of doing, I couldn't be there every year.

And the years rolled by as they have a way of doing. Mindy gave birth to her son 21 years ago and circumstances allowed me to be with Jack for part of his first 6 months, but then I relocated to accept a job and the distance interfered with our being together.  However, I tried as often as I could to be with Mindy and her family either at T'giving or at Christmas, but it just wasn't the same.

This year, however, I asked Mindy what she wanted for her birthday and she said she just wanted her people with her.  I told her I could make that happen, went online for a plane ticket, and packed my traveling bag. This was the best birthday ever, the big 5-0, and Mindy did it her way. We had a wonderful time together just chilling and then going out and about a bit, even to see one of the biggest "tacky" Christmas tree light displays in Richmond, VA.  Mindy brought me a piece of hummingbird cake, so I was in sugar-rush heaven.  On "the day" Mindy took me and her husband out to a really special dinner that featured good food, good wine, and good fellowship.  I had already given her her gift when she was out here last month, the 50-year ring my children gave me for that milestone birthday, so I didn't wrap any presents and just gifted her with my presence.

I could not have enjoyed anything more than sharing this special milestone with my first-born. This will always be a memory of joy and love for me and I know my daughter feels the same way.

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