Friday, December 28, 2018


After finishing my last post, I ambled into the kitchen for another cup of coffee.  I have a Senseo coffeemaker that takes little paper pods that have to be put in correctly or … disaster strikes, as it just did this morning.

The water comes out of a tank on the back of the machine, floods the little paper pods, and drips coffee into my mug.  Great system when it works, but if one gets the pods in upside down or not perfectly seated, water goes … everywhere, which is what just happened.  Luckily, I keep the coffee maker on a glass plate, so most of the water pooled on the plate, but as I started to clean up that mess, I hit my coffee cup, knocked it over, and splashed coffee everywhere, but most especially on the floor.

Wonder of wonders, Sparkle came over to see what was going on, and she started lapping up all the coffee on the floor.  She must have liked it as she did a great job of getting the liquid off the floor for me.  I dealt with the mess involving the coffee maker, and pretty quickly I was ready for round 2, which went a whole lot better than my first attempt.  I don't know if coffee is good for dogs, but we'll soon know the answer to that question.

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