Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Playing Chicken

Daisy has been disappearing, not responding to repeated calls of her name, which is unusual for my gregarious Jack Russell terrier lap dog. At night, she'll suddenly leap off the bed, barking loudly enough to wake the dead, and barrel through the doggie door to confront an unknown danger. Sometimes Mia joins Daisy in yard duty, but other times, Daisy is just missing.
Yesterday, I caught her staring into the alleged easement at the back of the property line. It's a trash dump enhanced by two neighbors who toss anything they don't want in their backyard behind their fences, where I get to see it as a daily reminder of individuals' inconsideration. I used to climb back there and do a thorough cleaning twice a year, but since the neighbors walled off access, unless I'm willing to climb the chain link fence, the trash is going to continue to collect.

What has caught Daisy's attention is a brazen errant rooster who apparently thinks he's safe on the other side of the open fence. Daisy stays absolutely silent and still for hours, watching and waiting for the rooster's bravado to lead it close enough for the kill. Believe me, I've watched Daisy stalk birds in our backyard, so I know how silent, but deadly, she can be, epecially when she's being taunted. I've seen roosters fly in the backyard when I was a child, so I know that one day, that rooster will be unable to resist the temptation to preen in front of Daisy from a perch he'll think is safe. And that's when Daisy will triumph: she's a master at playing chicken with birds!

It'll be a nice snack, but a huge mess -- especially if Daisy brings her kill inside to share with me.

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