Monday, November 12, 2012


The headline asks, "Why do men like Petraeus cheat?", perhaps in an effort to entice readers to the story. The cheapest, fastest answer is "because men have a penis."

Second place goes to a photo array accompanying the story that shows the slightly overweight, much older wife of 37 years next to the much younger, much prettier, probably more sexually active and exciting, biographer.

May not be fair, but much of life isn't fair; however, the publicized efforts to go back in time to active duty military service to determine if somehow the General can be penalized retroactively is ridiculous. Obviously, no one knew if he was involved outside his marriage when he was on active duty, but everyone knew that General Eisenhower was banging a woman to whom he was not married during WWII, and he became President, with his wife standing by her man as his First Lady.

Accept Petraeus' apology for his bad judgment and for resigning his current position. Enough said and done in a far too public trial of what is at its heart a private matter between husband and wife.

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