Saturday, September 21, 2013

I Don’t Get It

Today’s bride wants to look sexy by making sure her “girls” are falling out of the bodice of a really low-cut strapless gown and her butt is tightly hugged by the cut of the gown. Big globules of bouncing fat on the way up the aisle and a broad beam plowing its way back down it. Not pretty.

Why does President Obama take it personally so often? Some legislators are voting for what the people want, not trying to “get” the president. Presidents are supposed to be presidential, not petty.

Why would anyone write that a person is filled with anxiousness when the correct word is so much simpler: anxiety.

If former students have money for clubbing and booze, why can’t they make payments on their student loans? Instead of spending $100/week on fun, send the money to the lender and pay down the debt by $5200/annually.

Why does my neighbor become upset with me when I live my life without consulting her about where I go, what I do, or with whom I am at any given moment?

I don't answer my house phone until/unless the machine tells me someone I know is calling. I decide which calls to answer: if you're on the other end representing a telemarketing firm, tough. It's not rude; it's my phone.


John said...

No comment on how petty the Republicans are being for voting against the Affordable Healthcare Act for the 41st time? The people spoke, they said they wanted it, and yet they continue to vote against something that are absolutely sure won't be passed by the Senate and will be voted by the President if it happens to get that far. Seems pretty petty to me.

Liza said...

The president needs to keep the focus on being presidential. It's not all about him, but about we, the people. There is a tinge of the "you are picking on me because I'm black" coming through in far too many of his verbal communications, and I'm tired of that mindset.

John said...

I would argue Obama is doing a better job of it than Bush did, through much tougher partisan rhetoric, too.

Bush got pretty cantankerous with the Demo-led Congress during his second term, too. And Bush had trouble in other "being presidential" areas like: forgetting leaders' names, forgetting microphones were still turned on, etc.

Clinton had his issues, both with Congress and "being presidential" with that intern.

Bush Sr. had some doozies (remember when he threw up on the Japanese PM?), too.

You'd probably have to go back to Reagan's first 4 years (pre-Iran Contra debacle) to find a president that acted presidential consistently. Some may argue that you have to go back to FDR or Hoover to find someone who consistently acting "presidential" while in office. Maybe Kennedy, if you ignore the rumors of infidelity.