Sunday, October 20, 2013

Captain Phillips

My movie buddy and I wanted to see the film Captain Phillips, so we bought our tickets and popcorn and settled in. We made it through all the movie trailers, but when the actual film began, I realized it was not what I had thought it was. I'm not a fan of the hand-held camera technique, but a bit of it is okay; however, this film is nothing but hand-held cameras and too much of anything is too much.

From the time Capt. Phillips climbed aboard his ship, I became more and more nauseous and, after 25 minutes, I had to walk out before my head exploded. The film is filmed all in hand-held camera mode: the camera keeps moving side to side, up and down, across and back -- and I have issues with vertigo and can barely make it through the snack bar roller coaster enticement.

A little bit of shakey cam can enhance the drama and/or help to tell the story, but there really is too much of a questionable camera technique.

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