Tuesday, January 19, 2016


I like to watch football and always look forward to the play-offs, which is a time for the better team to shine. This past weekend, however, the play-offs were a case of which team played better in some really lousy games. There was no winner, just a team that didn't lose.

The key to winning a football game is a strong defense combined with a fast and efficient offense. What I saw in the games was mediocre offense combined with shameful defense. This was not a case of the better team winning, but the worse team losing. If I hadn't known I was watching the NFL play-offs, I would have thought it was the opening game of a season, the time when the plays are new and the offenses haven't jelled.

Based on what I've watched, either team can win the next round, with no blow-outs expected. And, rather than being excited about the upcoming 50th Super Bowl, I've lost my enthusiasm for ending the season in an exciting, thriller-packed, evenly-matched superior team game.

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