Monday, August 28, 2017

Medical Issues Updated

The problem with my right upper leg is in the bursa: hence, bursitis, which means swollen and painful bursa. I had a steroid shot directly into the spot that hurts the most, and once that takes effect, I will get relief from the problem.

I also have been prescribed 6 weeks of physical therapy, including massage, which will hurt while I do it, but feel great once I'm through it.

The good news is that I am not in the market for new hips, which is a huge relief. Everyone I know is having either hip or knee surgery, and I don't see that the surgeries make the problems go away in the long run, and in the short run, it's painful and stressful.

So, thankful for the good news and ready to get back into walking the dogs each day.

UPDATE: 3 days since the steroid shot and my bursa still hurts like hell and makes it challenging to walk. First day of physical therapy today, so hope that will help with the over-all issue.

UPDATE 2: 2 weeks of physical therapy, anti-inflammatory aspirin, and babying my hip/leg and I feel better. The physical therapy is nothing compared to the therapies I've had in the past, but I have to complete what's prescribed in order for my insurance to cover the MRI and other dr. visits. Will do -- done next week.

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