Wednesday, June 13, 2018


It wasn't until I heard and felt my head smack hard and loud against something that I "woke up" and realized I was on the floor between my bed and the dresser. Y heard my head hit too, from the next room with the door shut in the middle of the night. Y came running, asking me what had happened, for which I had no answer as I still couldn't process that I was not in my bed, sleeping.

My leg felt like I had broken it, but I had no idea how that could have happened, but judging from the bruise and swelling I still have, I hit the dresser--hard--with my right leg. As Y helped me up so I was sitting on my bed, I was still befuddled, but realized that I had somehow left my bed and fallen down. I remember pulling the sheet up over me, or that's what I think I remember, but as to being out of bed and walking, the only reason I can find is that I was sleep-walking, which is not something I know I have ever done in my past. Sure, I wake up at least once a night and go potty, but I had not gone potty this night and I was not awake.

The injuries turned out to be minor, the hit to my head bruising my scalp and the hit to my leg leaving two nasty bruises (called "bone" bruises) and swelling. I went to urgent care just in case, but I guess falling is simply part of the aging process and we just have to be happy when it's "nothing," rather than something that takes us down another road we don't want to travel.

Now, what's interesting is that I met my two friends for lunch/movie this week and told them about my fall and how scary it is not to know what happened. Believe it or not, both of them had also taken a fall in the past few days, one slipping on some loose gravel and the other getting caught up in a chair she was trying to exit. We all 3 were a bit bruised, but nothing serious, leaving us shaking our heads at this darned aging process we are all sharing.

We're all three thankful that there was "nothing" to our injuries and that we will all be healing from the minor wounds we received. I'm also really thankful for Y, as he got me settled until it was morning and then drove me to the urgent care just in case. The doctor there told me I had a hard head that was now decorated in a nice big bruise, and that my leg wound would respond well to icing, elevation and some Aleve.

Another catastrophe averted.

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