Wednesday, April 10, 2019


I was just phished!  I drove up the hill to have lunch with a friend, and when I returned there was a receipt in my inbox for $120 for a heft of coins--whatever that is.  Seems that I used my Apple App while I was driving home to order the coins to play pool, which, of course, didn't happen.

I immediately called Apple and was directed to Erika, who was very patient with me as she went through all of the instructions s-l-o-w-l-y and then decided to mirror my phone to speed things up a bit.  She (and I) walked through the process as she described the steps, and determined that I had not been charged, but phished.  Erika reported it, assured me I don't have to pay the charge, and then backed out of my phone, leaving me with a contact email and a case number if I have to come back to this.

It seems to me that with this phishing process going on all the time, the computer companies could come up with a fix so that phishing no longer is a viable option.  The receipt I received looked legit, which is why I immediately called Apple -- and had it been something else that was charged, not an Apple App, I probably wouldn't have thought twice about it, but since I don't use Apple App, I knew it wasn't a charge that I had made.

And, there was the whole driving home from Yucca Valley part that I factored in, but my phisher didn't know … .

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