Thursday, June 25, 2009

Darkness Descends

The entertainment industy lost three prominent personalities in just about as many days: Ed McMahon, in his 80s; Farrah Fawcett, in her 60s; and Michael Jackson, age 50. Each of these entertainment icons leaves behind a lasting impact on society, far beyond the "heeeeere's Johnny," the feathered hair-do and infectious smile, and the unbelievable creativity, music, and dancing ability.

For my generation, it was the loss of The King, Elvis; for my children, it is today's loss of another King, Michael Jackson. For those who believe that death comes in three's, it's a huge sigh of relief that the grim reaper has taken those for whom he came into the darkness of this good night.

Rest in peace.

1 comment:

John said...

M and I feel badly for Farrah and her family; they barely got their moment in the sun, paying their respects and grieving before being shunted to the side and reduced to the crawl at the bottom of CNN because of Michael Jackson.

Your simple, respectful, and tasteful comment is all we need; not some 24 hour MJ-a-thon of the same news and clips.

RIP to all three.