Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Payback's a Bitch

Perez Hilton is a mean, whiney bitch who, unfortunately, caught on with the "hip" crowd, whatever they call themselves these days, and started not just to believe his own bullshit, but to live it. He began his career in his bedroom, writing an on-line blog that he filled with what he calls gossip, but what used to be known as pure conjecture and complete fabrication. But, he made people laugh because he's such a parody of himself, and once he caught on, he made a lot of money, which these days is all it takes to open doors to people, places, and opportunity, including being asked to judge the Miss America Pageant.

It was inexcusable what he did at the Miss America pageant because he did it to further his own agenda, not to enhance the pageant. Confronting unsuspecting people with his kamikazee gay attacks is great fun for him, as he giggles and prances about in front of the cameras -- and then posts his blathering to his blog, where it becomes THE WORD. He's actually known for doing this sort of thing in his campaign to make the world a much gayer place to live, and I guess he's found a way to extend his own 15 minutes of notoriety in a society that is afraid to stand up for what it believes.

Well, hee-hee-hee: one of his latest victims punched him out, fed up with this pathetic excuse for a Holyworld celebrity wannabe spreading his gay message far and wide at the expense of his unsuspecting, exposed victims. Perez crying on his video blog, sobbing out his side of the story, detailing the punch and the blood from the really tiny superficial raspberry on his face. Oh, poor Perez: how awful it must have been! I know, you have lost all respect for the Black-eyed Peas, haven't you? How could THEY do this to YOU?

Perhaps the question you should have been asking a long time ago is how can YOU do this to THEM?

It was fun to see the other side of the story side-by-side on the TV last night and to hear that the person being accused of throwing the punch didn't do it. Of course, the story would not be nearly as BIG if Perez admitted that it was the bodyguard who did it, would it? Oh, well, if the story the way it is doesn't play to the media, change it!

I'm tired of all these totally young wannabee's taking air time to show us how they party, how they play, how they spend money, how they manipulate the system to become media stars. I'm tired of being gay being a lifestyle that is fun, fun, fun -- and everyone should want to be gay, too. I'm tired of the 'tweens and twentysomethings deciding my lifestyle! I don't approve of what goes on, but no one cares. For those of us who do speak up, we're told that we're on our way out, so no one is going to listen to us. My mother used to say that you cannot put an old head onto young shoulders, but people forget the wisdom of those of us who have already been there/done that and worn out the t-shirt.

It isn't what you have: it's who you are. It isn't what you do when people are looking, but what you do when they aren't that tells me who you are. Perez Hilton: your 15 minutes are just about up, and I doubt there's much there to work with to keep you going when the clock runs out.

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