Saturday, M and I were lazing around, had a bit of lunch, and I decided to have a few of the different cherries I purchased when J & I last visited Wal-Mart. About 20 minutes later, I began to feel really bad, really fast. My head was pounding, I got dripping wet from the intense, sudden heat attack, then I went into body-wracking shivers, and in a flash realized that I was going to be violent sick!
I was. Once my body voided whatever offended it, I took a shower and went to bed, where I slept for a solid 3 hours. It came on like food poisoning and pretty much worked its way done by that evening, so I'm not totally sure what hit me. I've never had an issue with fruit before, but perhaps that was the trigger.
Anyhoo, M and I spent a lazy weekend, mostly reading, but she did mow the lawn (cheaper than a gym membership). We made a bookstore run and I found a $5.95 bargain book that had us howling with laughter: there is no way I can read a book that is as poorly written as this one, and I didn't make it past page 5. However, I told M that I'd check the ending to see if it improved. You be the judge:
She and Jace had spent their first night together with their bodies inhabited by others, but they hadn't minded. --Deveraux, Jude. Someone to Love. 307.
Today, J comes home and I'm taking care of the neighbor's son this evening, while Mom and Dad go out for a movie. They kept track of M's 2 cats while she was gone, and I always like to say thank you to those who do nice things because they want to, not because they have to do them. I may retry making the apple pie for the other neighbor, just to ease my guilt over the first attempt, but I'll have to go back to W-M for more apples (oh, J will like that).
I'm flying back home this Friday, so the days are ticking down. It's nice doing not much with my family, but sure makes me miss my son that much more as we've always spent a lot of time together prior to his relocation to Canada. I'm glad that he's there and happy, and I really like his wife, too, but I miss him. Guess I was spoiled by having him so close for so long.
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