Friday, October 29, 2010

Hard to Believe

Last week, a homeless man dressed in dark clothing tried to cross the main street through town by cutting across the middle of a block. No street lights; no crosswalk; no success. He was hit by a passing car and left to die in the roadway.

The driver and the vehicle were found this week. Believe it or not, the driver said he didn't stop because ... (1) the car is not registered; (2) he does not have a driver's license; (3) he has no insurance; (4) he's blind in one eye; and (4) he was involved in another accident recently that he also did not stick around to resolve.

Any one of those factors should have kept him from driving, but in this area of the state, that's pretty much the norm, rather than the exception. We feel free to conduct sobriety checkpoints, but it has been determined to be racial discrimination to stop vehicles and check for ... registration, insurance, and a valid driver's license ... because so many illegal residents have none of the above, although all of those terms and conditions are required by law BEFORE operating a motor vehicle.

The man has now been charged with a string of criminal actions, including involuntary manslaughter for the death of the homeless man. Perhaps we all can breathe a sigh of relief that he's not on the roads aiming his death machine at other potential victims?

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