Saturday, June 4, 2011

On the News Front ...

The lady who asked for artificial sweetener in her coffee was given a packet of sugar, she drank, reacted, and headed for the ER because she's diabetic. This occurred in the drive-through at DUNKIN' DONUTS (smile); I seldom understand one word uttered by a drive-through attendant, so I'm pretty sure they don't understand me, either. Hence, I always double-check my order by asking that it be read back to me, and then I check again at the window. This event is unfortunate, but is it worth a lawsuit because the woman who drank the coffee claims that she could have died. Really? She drove herself to the ER, so although it was probably scary, I'm not convinced that she was in mortal danger from the one packet of sugar inadvertently added to the coffee she only partially drank. Surely an apology, and maybe free coffee for a month, but a lawsuit??

Hurrah: it's about time that society again demands real singers who sing real songs with real lyrics!! Okay, so we've had to return to the 1980s boy/girl bands to get it, but hurrah. Combining Backstreet Boyz with (aging) New Kids on the Block is sheer genius (oops, that's another reality show, isn't it?), great marketing, and totally appealing to generational audiences. At the same time, the girl band, the Go-Go's, were rocking it on another morning show. The crowds were singing along, swaying in the early morning air, while enjoying the heck out of performers without sun glasses or weird costumes singing melodies that accompany lyrics that tell a story, rather than rhyming words that end in "uck."

On the other side of the sound stage, Rhianna(or however you spell her name) singing about killing a man and portraying it in a video? Okay, so NOW I'm totally over the Chris Brown thing. Let's have an equally strong reaction to her actions as we had to his two years' ago: boycott her, condemn her in the media for her inappropriate actions, make her life a living hell, rather than elevating her to sainthood as the poster child for poor, abused women. She is now the abusive one, victimizing impressionable young children who worship her music and her message.

Tickets for Coachella are on sale and actually mentioned in the new TV series Franklin & Bash: "I already bought my 3-day Coachella pass," says Bash. Anyone who lives in the Valley knows that you have about 3 days to buy your pass because the sell-out happens almost overnight! The good news locally is that the festival promoters have booked all the acts for a double-weekend due to the incredible attendance. The bad news is that no one told the local residents before making this decision. Residents who live within 5 miles of the venue are pretty much land-locked for the duration. There were 4 weekend concerts during the "season," but now there will be 5 weekends that families are forced to stay in their homes and batten down the hatches. Probably would have been nice to include their concerns in the decision-making process.

My dogs became conditioned to going to the dog park far too quickly. Because it's 30 minutes one-way, I'm only making the trip twice a week; however, the dogs don't know how long the trip is, how much gas costs, or how tiring it is to take them to the dog park. They just want to go romp and stomp with the other dogs, so they lurk over me on the couch, constantly lick either my kneecap or my hand, and roll over for tummy scratching to show me that they want to go to the dog park every day, not just twice a week. We limped around the block last evening, my really poor substitute for the preferred experience, but one block is all I can make these days. On the dog front, I'm feeling like a personal failure, even though I did buy them a new squeaky ball at Wal-Mart and played fetch for a full half-hour.

My horoscope has been kick-ass this past week and continues to be positive. Told me about sudden, unexpected wealth -- and I found a 1942 wheat penny on the ground, as well as two quarters and two other pennies. Told me that there would be romance in my life, and the cute 40-something guy at the birthday cake shop was utterly charming. Told me that my head would be filled with creativity and lofty thoughts -- and I wrote this blog.

What more does the world want?

1 comment:

liz said...

Coffee lady is out for money, period. Everyone knows that drive-thrus are notorious for screwing up orders. And one packet of sugar does not a coma make. If you have a health issue, you go into the store and watch them pour your coffee.

The BSB/NKOTB tour is probably the only way you'll fill a stadium with those acts, so it is good marketing. I'll take a pass; never been a fan of either group.

Rihanna could choose better ways to handle that abuse incident. I'm not sure what I'd find more upsetting as a parent: her shooting a rapist, or her S&M video. The S&M song and video just seems like a way to make teenage boys' expectations even more unrealistic. I thought it was hard enough when I was a teenager to get a boy my age to notice me... must be infinitely harder now.