Thursday, August 18, 2011

Euro-Peeing Humor

I don't know who wrote the copy for Anderson Cooper's RidicuList piece on Gerard Dee-par-dew, but it is hilarious! Hard to believe that there could be as many puns made on a well-known French actor's urination on the plane's carpet when he was denied permission to use the nearby toilet, but whoever wrote the piece did a masterful job of punning for almost 4 minutes. I laughed right along with Anderson and totally appreciated that he finally cracked and laughed himself silly, too.

Seriously, I've been on a plane that sat on the tarmac far too long and I suddenly had to pee. Sometimes, I cannot hold it, so I got up from my seat and headed for the toilet. When I was told that I had to return to my seat immediately, I told the flight attendant that I either had to use the toilet or embarrass myself by peeing my pants. She warned me that the airline would not be liable if the plane suddenly moved and I was injured, but I assured her that if she did not allow me to use the toilet as we were still on the ground and not moving, the airline would be held liable for my personal embarrassment, as well as potential urinary tract infections/issues caused by holding it too long.

What a ridiculous rule: when you gotta go, you gotta go, and an adult should be able to make the call when there is no option but to use the toilet. The actor's actions caused the plane to be delayed by 2 hours; if the flight attendant had allowed him to use the toilet, it would have taken maybe two minutes, and I'll bet donuts to dollars that the plane would not have pushed back during that two minutes!!

I'd love a transcript of Cooper's piece just because it's so cleverly composed. We'll see if the old adage, any publicity is good publicity, pertains to an airline that won't allow even the very famous/rich passengers to pee at will.

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