Sunday, August 7, 2011


Penny wise and pound foolish: the US Postal Service is going to close post offices, rather than remove the ridiculous stationery stores in the lobbies nationwide. I did not believe it when the "store within a store" concept was implemented as it often meant closing a service window so an employee could wait at the stationery supply counter for the rare customer who needs that service -- and the already far-too-long lines for postal service grew even longer.

To further justify the extra counter that takes up floor space, as well as an employee's time, our post office became a passport office, too, including the camera for instant photos!! That is a service that should be available at city hall, not at the post office.

Take out the stationery store, send the passport seekers to another site, and keep the post offices open!! Return the post office to what it's supposed to do: supply stamps and postal money orders, figure out how much it costs to send packages, and deliver the mail. Period.

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