Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Doo-Doo from Daisy

We just got back from the walk and Mom’s in the shower, so I sneaked a peek at her blog. Boy, she always sees things from HER side, not from mine, so I’m going to set the record straight, once and for all.

You see, Mia and Mom are old, so they like toddle along on our walks. Me? I’m a Jack Russell Terrier, and I was born to run really fast, so walking pretty with Mia and Mom is, well, really boring. Mia and Mom both have hip issues, and I know that slows them down, but really? I finally find someone who will let me run like the wind and Mom complains? Maybe I should motorize her walker so I can get a decent walk each morning, instead of the geriatric stroll. As for Mia? Leave her home. She walks to make Mom happy, but she totally cramps my style.

And, we don’t do the long walks every day, like we used to do. I know Mom has had some physical issues, but she’s supposed to keep active, keep moving, so why the heck doesn’t she do the long walk every morning, instead of every 4th day? M could have done the long walk easily each morning, but, no, Mom wasn't up for it -- again. If she can't give me the walk I deserve, she needs to step up her arthritis meds or find someone else who can! It was totally cool running with M ... .

For a while, Mom stopped walking me altogether and spent every day on the couch, but one day, she said, “Let’s go, girls,” and I thought finally, we’re getting back out into the neighborhood, making our mark on our territory. Yeah, right: she walked up to the corner and back and acted like she was crippled! I hadn’t even stopped to sniff one bush and we were already back home! We are back up to about ½ hour each morning, with the long walk taking about 45 minutes, but you’d think she’s run a marathon the way she huffs and puffs her way through it. We used to do an hour every day and not even break a sweat. What a gip.

The other thing I want to get off my chest is that she let the dog next door stay with us for about a month and he came into the house like he owned it. I didn’t tell Mom, but he sprayed and peed on her furniture legs! I warned him that if she ever caught him, he’d be gone and never come back, but he didn’t believe me. Well, she did, and he is, and life is much better with him gone! Mia doesn’t bug me like Brownie did, and she lets me kinda get the house the way I want it, so I’m cool with Mia, but especially because I’m back in my soft, comfy bed with Mom again. Brownie actually thought he owned the bed and took over one of Mom’s pillows! I could not believe that she let him do that, but she must be getting softer in her old age. She’s washed the sheets and changed the bedspread, so it no longer smells like Brownie, and I totally appreciate that.

So, yeah, I’m missing M. She knew how to walk a JR Terrier the way a JR Terrier wants to walk, and here I am, back to the old folks' Sunday stroll. Maybe it’ll be cool enough soon that we can start going back to the dog park and I can run with the pack and get the kinks out. I like Mia and I like Mom, but I sure wish they could walk me like we used to walk when I first moved in. Walk me like M did!!

Ah, for the good old walking days.

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