Friday, November 18, 2011

Another Age-Related Tragedy?

The pilot, 82-year-old former Oklahoma State Sen. Olin Branstetter, and his 79-year-old wife, Paula, also died when the plane spiraled out of control and nosedived into the forest.

There were no survivors.

I blogged about this danger previously, noting that older pilots are engaged in plane crashes far more often than younger pilots. This time, it is an athletic coach and his assistant who are the victims of a very old pilot at the stick in an airplane. I don't want to see an 82-year-old driver behind the wheel of a car, especially on a freeway: today's auto goes far too fast far too quickly for an aged driver to react appropriately in case of emergency. Put that same old-timer behind the stick in a plane that travels in excess of 100 mph and expect the worst because statistically, that's what you're going to get!

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