Wednesday, November 27, 2013

More Questions from Oprah Magazine

I wish I had invented the fly swatter! How did we ever kill pesky flies before someone jerry-rigged a fly swatter?

The most awe-inspiring places are standing on the rim of the Grand Canyon, walking on the ocean floor at the Bay of Fundy, where the tide changes by almost 50 feet every cycle, and standing all alone on the prow of a cruise liner as the sun comes up across the endless ocean.

When I’m really excited I usually have to pee.

I celebrate big moments by sharing them with others.

I feel happiest when I am busy, productive, and interacting with other people.

If I could meet any fictional character, it would be Atticus Finch in To Kill a Mockingbird. The parenting and peopling that Atticus exhibits in the novel is a model for the way I wanted to parent and continue to interact with people.

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