Monday, December 2, 2013

Do As I Say, Not As I Do

Mike Tomlin may have been able to apologize for a mistake of standing on the field and in front of a sidelines' runner this weekend, but the smug smirk on his face says differently. He knew exactly where he was standing, he was standing there purposefully, and he interfered with a runner who could have picked up more yardage and, perhaps, scored a touchdown.

There is no excuse for his actions, nor any contrition on his part, and I hope that the NFL throws the book at him.

1 comment:

John said...

It is not legal to stand on the white sideline marker, let alone interfere with the runner. If I was a coach, I'd teach my players to run directly at coaches and players standing "too close" to the field of play -- make the refs call the penalty.

Beyond that, Tomlin showed himself to have a lack of character as a coach. Which puts to a different light things the Steelers have done under his tenure as coach. I always considered him an upstanding guy, but now I wonder if he was just faking it the whole time.