Monday, December 16, 2013

Third Time a Charm

When my cataracts became big enough, it was time for surgery to remove them. Because I have ambliopia (lazy eye) and astigmatism, I was offered the option to have replacement lenses at an additional out-of-pocket expense of $1500 per eye. After being assured that my vision will be better post-surgery than it’s ever been in my life, and after researching the internet to get a feel for the positives and negatives, I gave my consent and paid my money for the replacement lenses.

Three days after surgery on my right eye, something didn’t feel right – and I couldn’t see out of that eye. A bit alarmed, I contacted the doctor and went in for a quick check-up. Come to find out, the lense had rotated and had to be redone, so instead of having the left eye done the next week, I had the right eye lense repositioned. Then I went in for the left eye and voila! I had great vision.

This past week was my 3 month check-up and I told the doctor I really cannot see as well today as I could post-surgery. She checked – and a film has over-grown the right lense. Guess who’s going back in for yet another (minor) surgical fix?
At this point in time, I’m glad the left eye has been good, but now I know that a film can cover the artificial lense, which is signaled by traffic lights resembling exploding 4th of July fireworks! I'm am assured that once the film is removed with a laser, it will not regrow.

My individual issues are not common, according to my doctor and the internet, but so far, I’ve had more than my share and don’t want to deal with any further issues any time soon.

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