Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Ellen Schmellen!

Yesterday, Monday, was the day after the live 86th Oscar extravaganza -- which included a pizza delivery this year and a selfie tweet that overwhelmed Twitter. Along with Ellen's hosting duties at the actual Oscars was the promise of "live Ellen after the Oscars" on her daily show -- which, yesterday, Monday, the day after the Oscar extravaganza -- was reruns.

Today is Tuesday, two days after the Oscars -- and Ellen is "live" after the Oscars! Ellen's sleep-deprived; her guests are tired from all the partying; and the talk is fresh about "last night" at the Oscars and all the fun had by one and all.

Except -- "live" is technically every show at some point in time, but I figured "live after the Oscars" meant the Monday show would be "live", not taped, the day after the Sunday Oscars, and not "live" on tape the day after the day after the Oscars.

Just sayin'!

1 comment:

John said...

I don't understand why she is getting such good reviews for her hosting. I found the show boring as hell (barely made it to the end, time difference notwithstanding) and Ellen, whom I usually enjoy, staid and safe.