Tuesday, June 20, 2017

A Hunnerd 'n Wot?

It is challenging to describe to anyone how hot it is when the temp is at 122 degrees. Yes, 122 degrees. Most people say something inane, like "it's a dry heat," not realizing how really hot dry heat is. Want to check it out? Put your face into your oven while you're baking cookies: it's dry heat, too, but still darned hot.

I'm staying inside as the sun can literally burn my skin in minutes. The older I get, the thinner my skin is, and I feel as if I'm holding my arms over an open flame. There is a definite burn wherever the skin and sun meet.

If I had a clothesline, my clothes would be dry before I could finish hanging a load. As it is, I have to run the dryer, which seems ridiculous when it's so hot outside.

My cooler is running non-stop. I have it set at 86 degrees as it's much cooler when compared to the outside temps, and I don't need to refrigerate myself to feel comfortable. There are cooling centers throughout the valley to help homeless residents deal with the heat, which is a necessity in this temp range, not a luxury.

Yep, it really is 122 degrees out, but we're reassured that the temps are cooling down -- expecting 118 tomorrow, a total cooling off trend!

1 comment:

John said...

That's always my response when someone says "it's a dry heat." Well, so's your oven!
I can handle the heat not problem, but I do have issues with the humidity -- it makes me light headed and tired -- so I get where they are coming from saying it, and the humidex means it feels warmer than the temp suggests. But it still is dangerous, deadly even, when there is not humidity and the temp is above 100 degrees!

I wonder if you would find a heat pump would work better for your AC needs than a standard Air Conditioner? While many people find that using floorboard heating and similar costs them 2x-4x their electric bill during the winter here, we find our bill doesn't go up that much (but does go up). But, of course, we have the extremely cold weather while you have the extremely hot weather. It probably would work and save you some money, the question is always how much and if it would be worth it.