Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Cuba Fantastico!

I am back from my trip to Cuba and had the best time I've had in a while! (NOTE: I FORGOT TO POST THIS TRAVEL REPORT, SO AM DOING IT A COUPLE OF WEEKS LATE) The people of Cuba are so nice, so friendly, so caring that it made the time just fly by. I was in Cuba on a cruise that supports a people-to-people cultural exchange, so we had lots of lectures and demonstrations that we then followed up with in-port visits in Santiago del Cuba, Havana, and Sienfegios.

In Havana, I was shocked at the condition of the actual buildings: the best comparison I can make is that the city resembles Europe at the end of WWII: lots of crumbling infrastructure and residential areas. contrasted with government buildings and private residences that are well-maintained. But their living conditions don't seem to impact the people's attitude about life: they are joyous, friendly, and very interested in anything American. It is challenging to see how impoverished the people are without wanting to do something to change their living conditions.

In Santiago del Cuba, we saw a neighborhood that has been covered with ceramic mosaics -- and it is beautiful. All of the homes are covered in mosaic, as well as the walls around the various homes. There was a street market set up to accompany the mosaics, and it's obviously a big tourist attraction for the visiting cruise ships.

In Sienfegios, we went to a neighborhood that is working very hard to improve its appearance, with lots of maintenance done on the actual structures, then highlighted with brightly-colored paint that really catches one's eyes. In one neighborhood, we visited with a group that is working not just to improve the appearance, but to improve the quality of life where they live. The project was begun by a painter who lives there and uses what would be the livingroom of his home to have an art gallery that is open to the public. Some of the neighbors were playing in a small music band, while other neighbors were dancing in the street. Some of the gals from our ship, who had participated in the on-board dancing classes, joined in with an impromptu street event and really enjoyed being able to do the dance steps.

All in all, I'd love to go back and revisit all the various spots that I enjoyed on this trip. I understand more about the symbolism of the artists, who capture what it is like to be malnourished in spirit, as well as in body. I understand more what it is like when the government controls the income of its people -- and there isn't enough money to break free from the lifestyle and the government. I understand more why the people are willing to risk the journey of 90 miles to Florida, where they can live free and earn as much money as they are capable of earning to improve their station in life.

And I definitely feel the difference between a free America and a socialist Cuba, including the free medical and schooling for all residents, but the holding of the people hostage when it comes to earning income and bettering one's self.

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