Tuesday, September 11, 2018

When is an idea a bad idea?

Is anyone else concerned that The Purge will implant some dangerous ideas into the heads of suggestible individuals who may think that a real “purge” is a good idea and implement it based on what they see on TV?  Today's populace seems to be unable to distinguish between what is fact and what is fiction. Far too many people believe that if they see it on TV or on their phones, it is truth and actionable.  Those who are on the verge between good and evil may not be able to comprehend that "it's just a TV show," and decide to get in on the purge program to right many of what they perceive to be wrongs in their lives.

It takes quite a while for an idea to become a TV reality, so I'm frankly amazed that this concept went through a vetting process, has been produced, and is now awaiting its season premiere. 

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