Saturday, July 13, 2019

Five Brain Killers

According to Dr. Sam Walters, who specializes in the brain and aging and the effects of aging, there are five brain killers that, if we remove them from our consumption, can make a difference in such brain issues as dementia and Alzheimers.
  • The first is MSG, commonly found as a seasoning in lots and lots of food products.
  • Next is aspartame, which is what Equal is and other artificial sweeteners. 
  • Third is Sucralose, which is what Splenda is. 
  • Fourth is diacetyl, the buttery flavor in microwave and movie theatre popcorn. 
  • Finally, fifth is aluminum, a natural toxin found in many food and cosmetic products.  
All five of these brain killers should be removed from our human consumption, but especially if you are an older person who is already suffering from brain deterioration or simply wanting to avoid it. In my opinion, we should remove these products from all of our diets regardless of age or physical condition.

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