Friday, October 19, 2007

Public Speaking

Today, while waiting for the machinery that operates the electric window in the driver's door to be replaced, a man came into the waiting area and opened conversation. Generally, he was griping about his (very) expensive Chevy truck that is covered with a 3-year, 30,000 mile warranty, which he exceeded 2 years into ownership of the vehicle. This visit, it's 2 dead batteries, which work in tandem to operate the diesel engine system.

As he (I'll admit, I joined in) went on and on and on, into my mind popped a word I must have learned 2 lifetimes ago: bloviate. At first, I thought, "Is that right?", but as my mind mulled the meaning and the man continued to fill the air with personal pontification, I began to think that yeah, my brain had stored that word for this occasion!

When I returned home, I did a quick search to verify that yep, I had it right: excessive, pompous speaking.

Of course, it helped that he was the right age to educate the "little lady" about diesel engines and double batteries--another characteristic of an older male bloviate!

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