Sunday, May 17, 2009

Flashes of Insight

No way would I watch Farrah's dying on TV: my mother and my father both died from cancer, as well as several close friends, so I don't need to see anyone else's experience and relive mine. Somewhere inside I keep asking why: yeah, she had a great hairstyle, but other than that, why?

The President does not need to rationalize and/or justify an invitation to speak at an event. He accepts, he shows up, he delivers whatever speech he deems appropriate. Anyone who does not want to hear the address either need not attend or can plug in an IPod and chill for however long he speaks. Anyone can accept a divergent opinion/position without agreeing with it. We all need to stop apologizing for what we believe in an effort to make other people feel better about their beliefs--or lack thereof!

If I'm ever back in Baltimore, I'm going to Duff's bakery and say hi. I watched back-to-back episodes today and was fascinated with the cakes his team turns out. OMG, including the Milennium Falcon, a Blackhawk helo, and the entire island and cast from LOST. Anyone can do a stacked wedding cake with frou-frou and flowers, but the helo blades turned and the lights worked! Will have to admit, however, that I absolutely did NOT get the whisk. It may have been tall, but that's all it was: tall.

I'm totally ready for the last 2 days of classes and my summer off doing whatever it is I want/don't want to do. This year's vacation is Washington, DC, including as many Smithsonians as the g'son and I can get to in about 8 days, a tour of The White House, and a boat trip down the Potomac to visit Mt. Vernon. That's what I'm talking about.

And here's a promise: I'm gonna see that thar ad for that thar Sonic Blizzard one more time, and Ima gonna get in my car and drive to CC to get myself one of them thar sugary treats. Man, does that thing look GOOD!

I've just about finished my current pile of books, so it's probably time to make another stop at a bookstore and see what's new on the shelves. Part of my benevolence program is treating myself to newly-published hardbacks that I then donate to local libraries. Anything I can do to promote people reading is a pleasure.

Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to do the laundry I go.


Miss Fliss said...

you mean you're not going to miss us???
= )

cfejeran said...

omg! you watch charm city cakes too?! lol so funny. that show is one of my favorites! i love how they do almost all styles of cakes at their shop. plus i love duffs laugh, its contagious! :)