Friday, January 21, 2011

Dramatic End to the Week

This has been a long week as my back, which had been coming along nicely, decided to "freeze" again, making it impossible to sit/stand/recline and/or walk. I gulped Aleve and surrounded my back/hips with ice, but time seems to stand still when it's impossible to wait for the pain to subside. PT helped, but not much at the time I needed it to work really, really well.

Then, before going to teach my first class Wed, I took a photo to the hairdresser, showed it to her, explained that I have been growing my hair out so I could have it styled "just like this photo." I made sure she knew that I did NOT want my hair cut, but reshaped, but walked out looking as if I have attacked my hair with the manicure scissors ... again. I don't like bunches of hair covering my ears, preferring to have hair that is shaped to accentuate the shape of the sides of my head, rather than approximating Bozo the Clown's profile. I wanted my hair to stay the length it was when I arrived, not be chopped off all over my head. I held up the photo when we were finished and asked if she really thought there was any resemblance between what I asked for and what she did, but that did not go well. At all. Again.

Yes, it's just hair and it will grow back, but I really HATE having to go through the growing it out every single time I trust someone to trim my hair and/or make a style I really want to wear -- but they seem unable to achieve. If I had wanted to look like I do, I would have used the manicure scissors and saved myself the $30 and the aggravation.

Last night, B came over to take some measurements for upcoming home improvement projects. As he was playing with Daisy, Mia sauntered over, Daisy growled, and Mia went beserk. She grabbed Daisy by the neck, growling ferociously, and began shaking her like a dust rag. I thought she was going to bite Daisy's head off before I could grab her choke collar, choke her, and get her to drop Daisy, who ran for the safety of anywhere else. I locked Mia in the garage, then went to find Daisy, who was way outside in the dog run, scared to death and shaking like a leaf.

Mia only got skin and hair, so there was very little bleeding, and when I let Mia back into the house about an hour after the incident, the dogs were rubbing noses and licking each other, so whatever set Mia off was gone. However, this morning I took Daisy to b'fast, just in case, and left her in the car while I socialized with my friends. I brought Daisy a piece of chicken fried steak, which she pounced on and devoured before returning home.

At PT, my therapist was able to work out my back/hip issues, so today has been a good day. I've watched what dvr'd this past week and did some knitting, while Daisy has been curled up in my lap. I'm sure she's sore from the shaking, as well as the ferocity of the attack, but she and Mia are getting along fine today, even sharing a patch of sunshine on the patio this afternoon.

Finally, my friend's niece died very suddenly during the night from sepsis. She hadn't felt well early in the week, took a rapid turn for the worst yesterday and was taken to the ER via ambulance, but the doctors could not save her. M is on her way home to comfort her mother and her brother, as well as all the other family and friends who have to deal with the loss of this young woman much too soon and much too suddenly.

One day at a time, dear Lord. One day at a time.

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