Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Wow: it is beyond belief that Charlie Sheen actually believes that anything he's saying makes sense. It is as if his brain is dead, but his oral orifice is still alive and spewing nonsense, much like a chicken after its head is cut off. I don't know what's more pathetic: that Sheen actually believes he's making sense or that he has developed into some sort of instant media cult hero.

My new term is "sheening," the state of being wherein an individual with nothing to say disengages the brain and starts babbling. The only person who believes the "sheener" is making sense is another person with a dead brain. Thus, when Charlie says, "Winning," the cult of the brain dead laugh uproariously, as if the guru has said anything profound, rather than inane. Try saying, "Stupid," Charlie: more people will agree with you on that witticism.

In the past, when I've been forced into encounters with "sheeners," I somehow thought I had to participate in the madness, or at least try to make sense of it, but Charlie makes it very clear that no one has to listen to him, understand him, or respond to him--unless the audience member has absolutely nothing else to do with his/her life. The Charlie Sheening Show is public masturbation: self-centered, feel-good, temporary self-pleasure, but just totally wrong. That he has developed such a Twitter following simply reinforces the old saying that there is a fool born every minute, a fool who loves watching a really good train wreck.

What is even more pathetic about "sheening" is that it takes the media attention off real people with real problems, such as ... Libya. Civil War is raging, people are dying in the streets, and Americans are "sheening," laughing at a pathetic addict's ranting and raving about his failure to continue to earn the $2 million per episode for appearing on a TV sitcom--as if it were as important as a civil war. I'm venturing the guess that nobody really cares about Charlie, but on-lookers are watching his life implode the same way in which we cannot not look at a gruesome auto accident on the freeway. The sycophants sharing his living space are egging him into more and more outrageous behavior because it's fun to jerk the chain of mentally ill individuals, drunks, and stoners, and Charlie is a 3-for 1 special!!

Using the old question, What would you do if you gave a party and no one attended, let's ask a more relevant question: what would Charlie do if he called the media and no one answered?

1 comment:

John said...

Well said and succinct.
