Saturday, December 17, 2011

Nitpicking the Media

Sandra Bullock steps out in a two-piece suit featuring a plunging neckline on the jacket and that becomes a statement about her divorcee status. That is so last year!

Koby’s wife suspects he’s cheated on her again and has filed for divorce after 10 years of speculation about what happens on the road trips: time must be up on the pre-nup.

George Clooney reminds everyone that he was married once; in certain communities, the correct response to that statement is, “So was Rock Hudson.”

Gnute Gingrich assures the country that he and his current wife signed an actual agreement to be faithful to each other: no shacking up with and/or screwing around with anyone other than the legal spouse this time around. Did he miss that part in his first two marriages: the "foresaking all others" pledge that's part of most marriage vows? I'm going to guess he agreed to it both times before, but perhaps it only counts if Gnute puts it in writing?

John Edwards is moving into his home Rielle Hunter and their daughter, the woman with whom he did not have an affair and the child he did not father. Generous holiday gesture to extend to strangers.

Moving right along, Kim K is single and ready to mingle in Lost Vegas this holiday season: does she REALLY expect ANYONE to take her up on her provocative offer?

Christmas tree sales are down 30% at independent tree lots; unemployment is still hovering at 15% in many communities across the country. You do the budgeting.

All those charities to whom I sent a donation for the holiday season have responded with yet another request for yet another donation. Somehow, I expected them to hold off until after the first of the year and give me a chance to use up all the free address labels I earned from supporting their causes.

Finally, the USPS is going broke, but the lines are longer this year than in past years at my local post office. Of course, they are all in line for postal services and not crowding around the in-lobby gift shop, but there still are no plans to shut down the stationery supply stores in favor of staffing the postal service windows.


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