Tuesday, December 20, 2011


I can think of at least one hundred more awful things that students do on a daily basis without being suspended from school, so to me, the "Tebow" is not worthy of mass media coverage.

The pose is the classic "Thinker" pose, and it never hurts anyone to take just a second to stop and think before moving on. We are far too quick to take offense where none is warranted and to impose punishment that far exceeds the crime.

Let the kids "Tebow" if it allows them to make a harmless statement of support for an underdog, an athlete who seems to be beyond the drugs, sex, and rock 'n roll of so many teen heroes. So much better than flipping the finger or expressing themselves with a string of uncensored profanity.

Get over it: move on. It's just taking a knee, folks.

1 comment:

John said...

While I agree wholeheartedly with what you say here, and every time I see his positive attitude and the way he inspires others my opinion of him goes higher, I think it is the fact that "Tebowing" is him taking a knee and praying. So, if you do it on a high school, people yell 'Church and State!' and get their panties in a bunch, or something similar.

It's sad that a person comes along and is, for once, a POSITIVE role model for our children and society, and people have to tear him down, too. It says something.
