Monday, March 4, 2013

Use Your Big Boy Words ...

President Obama addressed the American people in a press conference the other day aimed at the polarity between Republicans and Democrats that resulted in a sequestration. The President's remarks targeted the failure of Republicans, absolving all Democrats of any blame, which is the same old/same old I've heard for the past 5 years. However, this time, the only word the President could find to describe the sequestration situation is "dumb," sounding like an immature child who hasn't learned any big boy words to describe his world.

The President demands compromise, which means, in his lexicon, "Do as I say, not as I do." There is finger-pointing, rather than strategic meetings designed to accomplish real goals for the economy. The President says that he has talked to the Republican leadership, but that's simply an excuse for his demand that a compromise is doing what the President wants done, no questions asked.

If the President put as much time/effort/energy into stumping the states for consensus based on facts and real plans to deal with real issues as he put into the effort to be re-elected, I'd be not just more supportive, but proud to be part of the decision-making process.

But, I guess that's another dumb idea.

1 comment:

John said...

Wow, you and I heard totally different speeches.

Since it is the Republican leadership that absolutely, positively refuses to bend at all or do any compromises, I don't see how you can believe that the President, when asking for "reasonable cuts" and "reasonable tax increases" is in the wrong.

Every poll indicates the majority of Americans blame the Republican leadership. The election showed that people prefered Obama's plan of cuts + taxes over Romney's cuts-only plan (as the fiscal issues were one of the primary deciding factors in the election), which Repub leadership in the House is insisting on.

At some point, the Repub leadership has to listen to a) their own constituents that want this resolved in a bipartisan fashion using both taxes and cuts, b) their own members, many of whom are saying that cuts+taxes are the way to go, and c) the President who keeps trying to compromise.

As to the Pres "do as I say, not as I do" -- he continues to meet with Repubs every week. They continue to lie to him. At what point should he say, "Fuck you" and try to ram his agenda down their throats? I know you personally do not like when people around you consistently tell you one thing and do another -- the Pres probably feels about the same. So, yes, his message is getting more and more pointed as everything shows that the American people want his agenda and the Repubs keep saying "No" and refusing to compromise on their "cuts only" plan (which, btw, simply cannot work-- there simply isn't enough to cut to balance the budget -- the deficit is in Trillions and the budget is in Billions, you HAVE to raise money (taxes) to make up the difference).