Friday, March 29, 2013

Flying Lesson

I've just returned from a few days visiting with a friend in Oregon, a friend who relocated to her home town after living in the desert for more than half her life. I loved being in an area where everything is green and moisture abounds. The flight up left on time, took the scheduled two hours, and was easy-peasy.

Then, it was time to return home.

We arose at 6 AM to be ready by the 7 AM leave the house time, arrived at the airport at 8 AM for the scheduled 9 AM flight. Breezed through my second full-body scan, but was chastised for leaving my cosmetic bag inside my luggage, instead of in a grey check bin. Got to the gate and found out that our departure was delayed an hour, so I could have enjoyed a second cup of coffee before leaving for the airport; instead, I began what was going to be a long day of sitting and waiting to leave for the return flight home.

That turned out to be the good news as the departure time went from 9 AM to 10 AM to 11 AM to 12:30 PM and finally landed on 2 PM. Yep, really. I sat in the airport from 8 AM until our 2 PM departure, and it's a very small regional airport, so not much to do except listen to all the people talking on their cell phones! Do people realize how much personal information they share with complete strangers during these calls?

To their credit, Allegiant apologized effusively and often for the delay, and brought in pizza for everyone inconvenienced by the delay, but that doesn't cancel out sitting for 6 hours before a scheduled flight departs for its destination.

It's a curse that has plagued me since I began flying to different destinations. I can hardly wait for the flights to China and back home this summer. I could end up spending my vaca in an airport!

1 comment:

liz said...

Before you mentioned the airline, I was thinking that it sounded like my Dad's flight on Allegiant a few months ago when he was delayed 6h. They are inexpensive and good when their planes are working, but when they're not, you're pretty much screwed. I flew with them in November to Florida, and knew they were a nickel and dime operation, but the size restriction on carry-on bags under your seat (the only free carry-on, since they charge for the overhead bin) seemed unreasonable. Technically my bag was oversize, but I knew it would fit because I had flown with them before that new rule/fee/moneygrab. Luckily they didn't notice or care that day and I wasn't hassled.