Friday, August 14, 2015

Desert Heat

Today, it's 115 degrees out, pretty darned hot. Tomorrow, Saturday, it's set to be 116; Sunday 118; and then a huge cooling trend beginning Monday, when the temps go from 117 all the way down to 109 by the end of the week.

Yes, say the true desert rats, but it's a dry heat -- and that it is. Very dry; very hot; very uncomfortable. Once this heat spree loses its punch, we'll head into autumn and temps in the high 90s for a spell.

The winner in all this heat? The electric company! There's no way not to use air conditioning of one form or another.

And, with the water shortage, there is no more running through the hose on the front lawn because the lawn has been replaced with desert-friendly landscaping that doesn't require watering. Filling up the kiddie pool in the backyard? No way: our water usage is being monitored and if it goes above our limit, we are fined for excessive water usage, which wouldn't bother me if the pools at the hotels/motels and all the golf courses greens also had to suck it up and cut their usage, too.

I'd like to say it's the price we all are willing to pay to live in this desert paradise, but the truth is it's harder every year to find the benefits with all the regulations and higher utility costs.

1 comment:

John said...

You know what else produces a dry heat? YOUR OVEN!

(I hate that phrase.)

Of course, now that I live somewhere with humidity (and a lot of it), I definitely miss the dryer air of the desert.