Thursday, September 13, 2007

Finally, Phase Finish

Repeated phone calls to the landscaper have not been returned, so this morning I sent the final message: either call me and tell me when you'll start work on the landscape or tell me that you no longer can do the project. I'm tired of all the dirt in my front yard--and living room!

Once the landscaping is finished, I can call in the carpet cleaners and begin to regain control over the dust and dirt inside.

Finally, the phone rang: he's in Mexico before the heavy gardening season begins (about the first of Oct), but will return this weekend and begin the project Monday morning. Yeah. It should only take him 2 days, if that, and he came in right on budget for getting the job done: sprinklers, ground preparation, planting, rocks and desert sand.

Once the yard is finished, I'll be able to manage it myself, saving time, effort, energy, and financial resources (especially water, as I'm no longer watering the next-door neighbor's yard, which is thoroughly dead! I wonder if he ever figured out why his watering system is no longer watering his yard?).

I am confident that the person I've hired will live up to my expectations. Pictures will be posted when appropriate.

1 comment:

Liza said...

He was going to be here this morning, at 7 am, but did not show up. I'm not sure if I should continue to "beg" him to take my $$ and finish the landscaping job or just move on to Plan M: do it myself. It'd save me money, probably be finished sooner, but may not look as good as it should.

I'm cogitating ...