Thursday, January 3, 2008

Life's Journey

I gave up on New Year's resolutions a long time ago, but I believe firmly in life resolutions, which have led to some major decisions in my life along the way. This year, the life resolution is to clean up the detritus that I don't want someone else to deal with when I'm not here to do it myself.

If the journey of a lifetime begins with a single step, extending the idea, cleaning the garage begins with the first action.

Yesterday, I drove to JT and dumped the last of the construction detritus, thus freeing the back of the truck to receive the detritus from the garage, of which there is plenty. I had stored a few things in the guest room that needed to be donated to charity, along with some clothing and other items that were in the garage. I also had refuse that needed to be taken out to the curb, so that's where I began.

It will take many weeks of consistent determination to make headway, but that's the plan. I've put it off as long as I can, still don't have answers about all of the teaching materials, but I'll leave that to last and work my way around those boxes. It's difficult to assess 30 years of teaching materials with eyes that are looking at the very real need to downsize. By the time I work my way through the rest of the boxes, I'll have that answer.

There is shelving to be installed on the walls for that which is going to be saved. I'm not sure what that will be, if anything, but before I can attack the boxes, I have to have new boxes and packing material, as well as a place to put what stays. On the way home from the trip to empty the truck of the first load, I'll stop by Lowes and pick up the screws I need for the installation of the shelves and get that part of the job done first, which should provide the incentive to continue.

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