Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Property Rights

The kids got new bikes for Christmas. Because their parents park in their driveways, they are using my drive as a launch pad for "races" and a turn-around. The bikes have training wheels, so they don't go very fast, but they are also riding the bikes into the street without looking to see if the roadway is clear.

Since Christmas morning, I've tried to keep quiet about the constant use of my property for their bike riding, but enough is enough. I've gone outside for the second day in a row to direct them not to ride onto my property, to go to their own homes and ride in their own driveways. Today, the little guy assured me that they'll be quiet and not disturb me: they're just having fun.

No, I told them, you may NOT ride your bikes on my driveway. Go home and ride your bikes at your house.

They did leave--again--and they'll be back again. School resumes maybe tomorrow, so perhaps it'll become a non-issue. Meanwhile, I'm back to contemplating a gate across the driveway.

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