Friday, November 6, 2009

Excuse Me?

Update Caveat: to the National News Network publicity release readers, let me clarify that I am offended that anyone would work so hard to find excuses for the actions of an American Muslim military officer who committed an act of terrorism not just on American soil, but on an American Army base. Working so hard to avoid the "Muslim" aspect of this man's heinous crime is disrespectful to all peaceful Muslims living both in this country and in other nations, but most especially to all the military personnel who adhere to the Muslim faith and do not commit acts of terror. Tap dancing around the facts of any news reporting gives the appearance of dishonesty, not faith in your journalistic integrity.

The murderer enlisted in the military voluntarily, took advantage of the educational programs offered to him, accepted the advancements in rank and pay grade, but froze when it came time to stand up to his obligation to do as every active duty military personnel must do: deploy. He was a Muslim when he entered the service, he was a Muslim when he completed his doctoral degree, he was a Muslim when he worked at Walter Reed, but his religion became his tool for finding a way out of putting himself potentially in harm’s way. His family stressed to the media yesterday that this solider is an American, born in the USA, raised in the USA, educated in the USA, his religion never an issue to his active duty service until the war came into his personal space. Suddenly, he could not deploy to a foreign country because the people who live there share his religious belief. He’s a Muslim; they are Muslims; therefore, he cannot serve as a psychiatrist in the war zone.

Horse pucky.

Back in the 60’s, it was “hell no, I won’t go,” which is what the soldier said as he performed poorly first at Walter Reed and then at Ft. Hood, perhaps in an attempt to disqualify himself from deployment by ending his military service. If he quit, he’d owe the government for his education; however, if he continued to accrue poor service evals, the service would end his career for him. He would walk away with a discharge, perhaps less than honorable, but nothing to keep him from transitioning to a civilian medical career. The flaw in the plan, however, is that he embraces the Muslim religion which, since 9-11, is a get out of jail free card in the US. It is illegal to discriminate against anyone in this nation for any reason at any time, but most especially to show any discriminatory treatment of anyone who could remotely be associated with the Arabian cultures and/or religions because no matter the cause, the effect is racial profiling, a career-ender in today's PC culture.

Thus, the military protected the Muslim soldier’s job, rather than confront him about his failure to perform his military duties in a professional manner: suck it up, soldier, and do your job. He complained about harassment, even as he was harassing wounded military personnel suffering from PTSD, a condition he was supposed to treat, not exacerbate. The military relocated him, rather than kick his ass out of the Army, as he confronted returning soldiers about killing Muslims in Iraq and Afghanistan while stationed at Walter Reed. When he continued to fail to do his job after relocation to Ft. Hood, his name came up to rotate to the combat theatre, an order he refused to accept. He begged, he pleaded, he sought assistance from the legal system, but the bottom line was that as a soldier, it was time to suit up and get in the game. Instead, he bought weapons, cleaned out his apartment, gave away his personal belongings, and did what many other Muslim fanatics do: he embarked on a suicide mission, intending to kill as many soldiers as he could before being killed himself.

He could have bought a plane ticket and flown away from his fear or religious conflict, living as an AWOL fugitive among those who share his religious preferences, but his choice was suicide by MP, screaming the inflammatory Allahu Akbar prior to opening fire. This was no PTSD issue: this was fanatical Muslim martyrdom, the same as the suicide bombers in Iraq and Afghanistan. Their goal is to become martyrs of their faith: too bad that he survived his cowardly decision to kill 13 innocent victims and wound dozens of others so he didn’t have to deploy, but it’s time to take the attention off this piece of human detritus and focus on the victims of this mass murderer.

In the US, we say that what goes around comes around – but I don’t know how to say that in Arab. Perhaps it’s pronounced “suicide bomber” and we can try it on this individual? Rather than looking for excuses why he opened fire at Ft. Hood, strap the explosives to his chest, put him in the middle of the parade deck, and dial the cell phone detonator.

Allahu Akbar back atcha, Hasan!

1 comment:

John said...

This is a man who used the military to get what he wanted and then, when called to actually serve his country and his military, chose to look for any avenue of escape from it, including a perfunctory suicide. If news would stay on topic, the fact he is Muslim would be a non-issue. I chose not to join the military because, regardless of the huge benefits I could possibly eke out of a stay, I knew the military life wasn't right for me.

This man chose to join even knowing that, so he had to accept the consequence of that enlistment. He didn't, and made some 30 odd people suffer for his bad choices. It's that simple.
