Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Life's Little Disappointments

Perhaps while thinking that something better would come along, something that is easier than being married and a father to eight children, Jon Gosselin teeters on the brink of financial disaster. He replaced the money he stole from a joint account that he adamantly averred to his press entourage that he didn't take in the first place, so how the hell is he paying his bills? Answer: he's not. He closed on the New York loft apartment, as well as vacationed in Hawaii, all the while clubbing on both coasts, but cannot find an appropriate job to support his affluent lifestyle because TLC, his former employer, had enough of his nonsense and shut down operations. Jon is now suing the TV station for $5 million, which may be enough to float his boat for a year -- if he gets anything -- but child support comes off the top. Remember: it is Jon who defaulted on the contract, NOT the employer, and I doubt that TLC feels anything but disgust for the self-professed media star.

Hmm, here's a thought: maybe Jon can become a papparazzi??

And by the way, Jon, how is K8 supposed to support the family during your failure to do so? That's why she's been out working other business opportunities. Funny that she can find work, but you can only find girlfriends and sycophants. Yeah, that's right: it's the notoriety that gets in the way of finding a job that pays well enough to support your new lifestyle, the notoriety that you brought on yourself and continue to trade off, rather than finding a job.

The I-centered approach to it's all about me is wearing thin.

Faith-based people took a giant step backward, not just with the boob job or the post-pageant publicity support of traditional marriage, but with the revelation that Ms. Carrie Christian shot eight videos of herself masturbating to stimulate her boyfriend via email. I recall covering this topic during Sunday School and learning that both the premarital sex and the pornography were big no-no's, although I don't think that anyone ever talked about masturbation back then. But, obviously possessing big cajones and small brains, Carrie simply thinks that anyone who asks her about her life choices is "acting inappropriately."

Let me clarify this for you Carrie: the fake boobs, the fake crusade for traditional marriage, the premarital sex, the porno tapes, and making a living off your body are INAPPROPRIATE, not Larry King's questions about why.

Joanna goes home while both Donny and Kelly go to the finals? You have to be kidding! Kelly, consistently at the bottom of the leader board, improved tremendously to strongly average: most spirited, most improved, but NOT heading to the finals. Donny faired better than Kelly, but it's been a see-saw of great, average, and poor performances driven by a tremendous personality: great crowd pleaser, yes, but NOT the finals. Joanna? Consistently one of the top three, so what happened? She FELL TO THE BOTTOM OF THE LEADER BOARD in one week? I don't particularly care for Derek, her dance partner, but they were magic together on the dance floor, doing some routines that were off the charts. So, they are finished dancing ... why? Is the outcome of DWTS pre-determined?????

Finally, my haircut doesn't look so bad while I continue to complete projects in the house, so I thank God that I only go to work two days a week because it is truly one of the worst haircuts I've ever had. PS: I stopped at another salon and got the mess fixed, but my hair is shorter than I am comfortable and it's not really the way I want it. Guess this is going to take time to grow out before I can actually fix the bad haircut.

Vanity, thy name is woman.

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