Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Trust Your Talent

A talented performer seldom has to trade on notoriety to advance a career because it's the talent that builds a fan base. Either Adam Lambert is getting some really bad career advice or he's determined to become his own worst enemy. Adam, "Britney who?" shared an on-stage kiss with Madonna during the family hour and tanked her career. Congratulations: you are now on the same career path, a long, slow walk that may just fade into the sunset with a resounding "Adam who?"

Families tune in to watch these TV shows, the extravaganzas that feature a wide range of talent. Parents don't want their children to see one performer put his/her face into the crotch of another performer or to share a same-sex deep throat kiss! It's not about your rights: it's about knowing where, when, and why you want to cross that boundary between tasteful and tasteless.

Your talent is no longer adequate to entice me to watch you perform. If I see you are a guest on a show or a performer, I'll tune you out because I no longer know what you are going to do. The career move is to know the difference between the venues you play and to adjust your performance to the audience. If you want an appropriate venue for your homosexual public performances, come to Palm Springs and perform at the gay clubs. You'll have a huge audience for your target demographic no matter how far across the line you want to go.

Meanwhile, leave the family entertainment venues for family-appropriate performances.

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