Thursday, January 21, 2010

Perception is NOT Reality: It's Just One Person's Way of Spinning What Other People Believe

Octo-Mom lost all that weight by exercising 90 minutes a night and eating a high protein diet. Yeah, and anyone is going to believe that! Ever see the after pictures from K8? Stretching the skin to accommodate either gross obesity or multiple babies results in loss of elasticity that has to be repaired surgically. Ditto those who have the stomach staples and/or bypass surgeries: the worst part of the weight loss is not being able to afford to have all the excess, flacid skin removed by surgeons who specialize in this kind of reconstructive surgery.

She would be a good match for John “that is not my baby” Edwards, who is today admitting paternity of a child who is a dead ringer for his own face. Seems that the man who tried to take the fall for Edwards during the campaign by claiming he was the one having an affair with the other woman has written a book that is chocked full of interesting little facts, including the fact that Edwards was banging his side piece as his wife, Elizabeth, went public with the fact that her cancer was back, untreatable, inoperable, and, by the way, terminal. That had to upset her husband beyond coping as he fled to Rielle’s arms for consolation and, oh, yeah, sex that resulted in a baby 9 months later. Oops.

Obama is singing another chorus of the same ole song: the reason for the Earth being round is 8 years of Bush, which made the people so angry that they … elected a non-democrat to occupy the historically democratic Kennedy seat in democratic Massachusetts. Some of us are smart enough to take that cause/effect link with the same grain of salt we believe the Octo-Mom’s bikini body is the sole product of diet and exercise – and that John Edwards is “truly sorry” for the relationship with Ms. Hunter that continues to this day!

In the age of instant communication and gross public exposure (bikini-clad Octo-Mom on the cover of a magazine????), people have to realize that they are their pasts. Wishing it would go away is not enough, and the genie left the bottle a long time ago. Obama says he needs more direct communication with the public as he has not said what needs to be said so the American people get it. On the other hand, he may want to consider that he’s said far too much, far too often, with too few results. Obama tells the people what HE wants them to believe because it's what HE believes, not what the people need to improve the quality of their lives. When the people say, "uh, that would be a no," rather than stopping to listen, rather than discussing the concerns that the people express, Obama dismisses both the questions and the concerns, distances himself from the rowdy riff-raff, and plows ahead with HIS agenda. The people's job is to tell the President what THEY want, what THEY need, and it is the President's job to put it in place, to make it happen. HE serves at MY pleasure, not the other way around.

I’m beginning to think that Obama doesn’t have a clue either to his actual job performance or the expectations of the citizens of the United States of America. “WE” want a voice in the policies and practices that become our lives. WE don’t want to be told by Nancy Pelosi that she will get health care reform one way or another!! Who the hell does she think she is? She is MY representative, not the decision-making dictator who is going to tell the citizens of this country that we will get what she decides we will get. What the people at the top of the pyramid forget is that remaining at the top depends on the strength of those who form the pyramid: if the people under them aren’t performing, aren’t selling the product line, the whole thing collapses!


It used to be called public service, but for the past year it’s been sheer arrogance, topped yesterday with the “whatever” attitude I heard on the media as democrats defended their attitude and their actions with a paternalistic approach that assures the American people that they know what’s best for ALL of us and are not just protecting themselves and their job security. The people on the streets are angry that the banks that took our life savings and our retirement funds are still handing out huge, multiple million dollar bonuses to their top executives – and the people in the White House and Congress fail to realize the strength of that anger, much less the direction it is being focused. If it is to be, it is up to me, and the only weapon I have at my disposal is my vote. It may not seem that the people can defeat a democratic candidate vying for an historically democratic seat held for almost half a century by a democratic icon, but you piss off the people who are in charge of who occupies that seat, we, the people, we, the voters, and watch what happens.

1 comment:

John said...

While I don't disagree, necessarily, with what you say here, I have this one comment: Eight years of a President who consistently lied to the American people (still no WMDs found anywhere), who achieved death tolls of American lives of well more than double anything the terrorists did (12,000 troop deaths and counting), who ignored it when not one but two heads of the Fed told him the Housing Bubble would cause the collapse of the American markets and could lead directly to a recession (Alan Greenspan and the new guy both gave speeches during his admin saying exactly that), and who seemed left both domestic and foreign policy issues so vast that they dwarf any President before him (Katrina? Response to economic crisis? Didn't even know most of the foreign dignitaries names, et al), at least this one is trying to do something to turn things around. Despite all the efforts of Congress to stop him (on both sides of the aisle).

My issue is this: if you take what Obama says only, he is clear, concise, and usually has a pretty good plan of action. The moment these things hit Congress, regardless of partisanship, they twist and turn what he says until it makes no sense and doesn't even closely resemble what Obama first said. Pelosi and company seem just as clueless in trying to enact what Obama wants as any Republican bemoaning the dire consequences of what Obama has requested.

America is following Rome's path very precisely. And it is just about to the point where someone elects himself Caesar and the oppressed and battered countries start rebelling... and the country collapses under bad leadership, poor military decisions, and corruption at the highest levels.

America needs a new revolution.