Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Mirror Ball, Mirror Ball, Who's the Best Dancer of them All?

The top score is a 10 from each of the 3 judges, a challenging score to achieve. Last night, during the finals, the judges were "wowed" by the sports' caster and the Olympian, but not so much the incredible, over-the-top, so much better freestyle performance of the favorite!

I don't understand how missing one lift in a routine that was filled with extraordinary dancing and creative lifts (that one judge admitted he'd never seen before) could result in 9's across the board. Had there been a score higher than a 10, Derek and his partner should have earned it -- even with the one missed lift.

As Erin danced her freestyle, I thought 8's at best: it simply wasn't that unique, that interesting, or that challenging a routine. When Evan jumped and bounced all over the dance floor, I thought he looked like a vaudeville performer hyped on too much coffee and just winging it. When Nicole and Derek took to the floor, the intricacies of their performance, coupled with the precision and the high energy, simply amazed me. THAT was what I had been waiting to see, and they delivered.

Seriously, 9's???


liz said...

I actually referenced you in a conversation yesterday as someone who had given up watching that show and stuck to their guns, darnit! I see you must have gotten sucked back in.


Liza said...

In my defense, I only watched last night because there was NOTHING else on TV -- and I do enjoy watching the end result, not the long tedious weeks building up to the finale.

Derek Hough is a phenomenal dancer and does not get the recognition he deserves for the job he does: that goes to all the PR hounds!!