Sunday, May 16, 2010

Along the SoCal Coast

Yesterday, I drove to LaJolla to see my friend for lunch and do a few quick errands. Although it seems like a somewhat long drive just for lunch, she lives across the street from the beach ... across the street!! The ocean is one of my favorite places to visit, a place where I have always found peace, and she is one of my dearest friends. It's a win-win.

This is a snippet showing the small breakwater that provides a sheltered swimming area, now overly-populated by seals (the black forms on the sand).

An on-going controversy about allowing the people back into the sheltered swimming area seems to be coming to a head as the courts have ruled that the closed-off beach can be reopened to humans. Opponents fought the good fight, but the open beach advocates won the battle, just as the off-shore oil drilling advocates won their battle -- and we all know how well that's turned out.

The seals have fouled the little cove formed by the breakwater, so I'm not sure who would want to swim there, but perhaps there is a point I'm missing made by people whose joy in life is making meaningless points. Will the re-integration of humans into this tiny spot of ocean force the seals to relocate? Perhaps that is the goal of the humans' actions, but the seals are a huge tourist attraction, evidenced by the several buses that dropped off passengers during the short time I was there.

Sometimes, we do cut off our noses to spite our faces.

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