Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Standing on My Own Two Legs -- Again

The last 2 weeks have parts that are blurred and others that stand out loud and clear, such as all the time spent on the chaise with my leg elevated, heated/iced. Yesterday was the post-op check, and the doc was amazed at how easily I can now walk, go up/down stairs, and both straighten and bend my right leg. Seems those are the tests for a job well done, and he earned the top rating. No, I haven't forgotten the leg turning black and/or the extreme charley horse that occupied an entire weekend, but it's done. When he offered me 6 weeks of PT 3x a week, I demurred, assuring him that I will continue to be so darned busy that not only will there not be time for PT, but it'll get done the way God intended: working my bountiful butt off as the semester comes to a close.

There was a sobering moment coming home from work Monday, an accident with vehicles spread across 4 lanes of the major artery between home and work. One of the vehicles, a small compact car, was in bits and pieces, and I said a prayer as cars snaked by on the shoulder of the road. Come to find out, a drunk local woman driver blew a stop sign, barreled onto the highway, clipped a car with 2 teens in it, sending it into oncoming traffic lanes, where it went head-on into a local woman on her way back up the hill. All of this at 4:30 in the afternoon! Any research into Hwy 62, which used to be one lane in each direction but is now 4 plus the turning lane, reveals that it is a slaughter alley. Because traffic can enter/turn off the highway all the way along its length, there is no way to install a center safety barrier -- so the death toll is going to continue to mount.

When I arrived home, Daisy had such a special treat waiting for me: she had killed another bird, brought it into the house while I was at work, and literally jumped with joy to share her treasure. I planted tons of native vegetation not just to lower the maintenance costs, but to entice the birds, butterflies and the bees into the yard as I love sharing the early mornings outside with nature. Daisy, however, may be single-handedly thinning out the local bird population! Guess she's a natural at birding, perhaps part of her terrier DNA??

I think I finally am caught up on all the little things I let slide as I sent out bills and cards yesterday, as well as a package to dotter for Mother's Day: a summery patio dress and the latest in the Bride series from Nora Roberts. She'll have to find her own bottle o'wine to complete the gift. My son/dotter-in-law sent me the funniest card I've had in years, which made my day because it harkened back to licking the beaters, a treat my children enjoyed as I've always loved both cooking and baking, but especially anything that required lots of sugar and a licking bowl.

Weather is gorgeous, in the 80s and clear and crisp, so life is good again in the neighborhood.

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